Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 30 July 2024, 10:00am - East Sussex County Council Webcasts

Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 30th July 2024 10:00am 










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  1. Cllr Colin Belsey
  2. Cllr Colin Belsey
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  1. Mr Patrick Major
  2. Cllr Colin Belsey
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Alan Shuttleworth
  2. Cllr Colin Belsey
  3. Cllr Colin Belsey
  4. Councillor Janet Baah
  5. Cllr Mike Turner
  6. Cllr Colin Belsey
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  1. Dr Matthew Clark
  2. Cllr Colin Belsey
  3. Cllr Alan Shuttleworth
  4. Dr Matthew Clark
  5. Cllr Colin Belsey
  6. Cllr Sorrell Marlow-Eastwood
  7. Dr Matthew Clark
  8. Cllr Sorrell Marlow-Eastwood
  9. Dr Matthew Clark
  10. Cllr Colin Belsey
  11. Cllr Mike Turner
  12. Cllr Colin Belsey
  13. Richard Milner
  14. Cllr Colin Belsey
  15. Cllr Mike Turner
  16. Dr Matthew Clark
  17. Cllr Colin Belsey
  18. Cllr Abul Azad
  19. Dr Matthew Clark
  20. Cllr Colin Belsey
  21. Cllr Christine Robinson
  22. Dr Matthew Clark
  23. Cllr Christine Robinson
  24. Cllr Colin Belsey
  25. Cllr Dr Kathy Ballard
  26. Dr Matthew Clark
  27. Cllr Dr Kathy Ballard
  28. Cllr Colin Belsey
  29. Councillor Janet Baah
  30. Dr Matthew Clark
  31. Cllr Colin Belsey
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  1. Mr Ashley Scarff
  2. Cllr Colin Belsey
  3. Mr Ashley Scarff
  4. Cllr Colin Belsey
  5. Cllr Alan Shuttleworth
  6. Cllr Colin Belsey
  7. Cllr Alan Shuttleworth
  8. Cllr Colin Belsey
  9. Cllr Abul Azad
  10. Cllr Colin Belsey
  11. Cllr Sarah Osborne
  12. Cllr Colin Belsey
  13. Cllr Sorrell Marlow-Eastwood
  14. Cllr Colin Belsey
  15. Cllr Mike Turner
  16. Cllr Colin Belsey
  17. Cllr Colin Belsey
  18. Cllr Mike Turner
  19. Cllr Mike Turner
  20. Cllr Colin Belsey
  21. Cllr Colin Belsey
  22. Councillor Janet Baah
  23. Cllr Colin Belsey
  24. Cllr Dr Kathy Ballard
  25. Cllr Colin Belsey
  26. Mr Ashley Scarff
  27. Cllr Colin Belsey
  28. Mr Ashley Scarff
  29. Cllr Colin Belsey
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  1. Mr Ray Savage
  2. Cllr Colin Belsey
  3. Cllr Mike Turner
  4. Cllr Colin Belsey
  5. Richard Harker
  6. Cllr Mike Turner
  7. Richard Harker
  8. Cllr Colin Belsey
  9. Mr Ray Savage
  10. Cllr Sorrell Marlow-Eastwood
  11. Cllr Colin Belsey
  12. Mr Ray Savage
  13. Mr Ray Savage
  14. Cllr Colin Belsey
  15. Cllr Sorrell Marlow-Eastwood
  16. Richard Harker
  17. Cllr Colin Belsey
  18. Richard Harker
  19. Cllr Sorrell Marlow-Eastwood
  20. Richard Harker
  21. Cllr Colin Belsey
  22. Mr Ray Savage
  23. Cllr Colin Belsey
  24. Mr Ray Savage
  25. Cllr Sorrell Marlow-Eastwood
  26. Mr Ray Savage
  27. Cllr Colin Belsey
  28. Councillor Janet Baah
  29. Mr Ray Savage
  30. Cllr Colin Belsey
  31. Richard Harker
  32. Cllr Colin Belsey
  33. Richard Harker
  34. Mr Ray Savage
  35. Cllr Colin Belsey
  36. Cllr Abul Azad
  37. Mr Ray Savage
  38. Richard Harker
  39. Cllr Colin Belsey
  40. Cllr Dr Kathy Ballard
  41. Mr Ray Savage
  42. Cllr Dr Kathy Ballard
  43. Cllr Colin Belsey
  44. Cllr Mike Turner
  45. Richard Harker
  46. Cllr Colin Belsey
  47. Cllr Mike Turner
  48. Cllr Colin Belsey
  49. Mr Ray Savage
  50. Cllr Colin Belsey
  51. Mr Martin Jenks
  52. Cllr Colin Belsey
  53. Mr Ray Savage
  54. Cllr Colin Belsey
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  1. Mr Martin Jenks
  2. Cllr Colin Belsey
  3. Mr Martin Jenks
  4. Cllr Colin Belsey
  5. Mr Martin Jenks
  6. Cllr Colin Belsey
  7. Mr Martin Jenks
  8. Cllr Sarah Osborne
  9. Cllr Colin Belsey
  10. Cllr Dr Kathy Ballard
  11. Cllr Colin Belsey
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  1. Webcast Finished
Leader of Minority Group: Liberal Democrat: Member for Plumpton Streat East Chiltington and St John
Lewes District Council
Member of Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Hastings Borough Council